Check out this story from some guy in LA. Of particular interest is this graf:
Supporters of right-to-work statutes tend to be anti-collectivist, libertarian wannabes who elevate personal choice to iconic status, and are willing to be paid less and accept substandard benefits in return for the right not to have to join a big, bad workers' collective. When you consider the simple arithmetic involved, this antipathy to unions, this flat-out rejection of economic advancement via strength-in-numbers, isn't merely irrational, it's pitiful.That could be. It's also possible that they don't want to pay for the "privilege" of supporting political causes they don't believe in. It's also possible that they would like to speak for themselves, and not have their talking done for them by a body that may not represent them. Or, maybe they believe in a collaborative working environment, that their job ultimately depends on the success of their employer.
But, sure, people who believe in right-to-work must be stupid.
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